Total area to be cleaned in square feet: Number of landings: Number of bedrooms: Number of stairs: Size of your kitchen: Choose...Small (0 - 150 ft2)Medium (151 - 250 ft2)Large (>250 ft2)Master bathroom includes: Choose...Shower onlyTub onlySeparete shower and tubNo appliancesDo you have pets? Select your service & extrasChoose your cleaning supplies: Choose...Green cleaningCompany's suppliesClient's suppliesCleaning frequency: Choose...Weekly ServiceBi-Weekly ServiceTri-Weekly ServiceQuarter Weekly ServiceMonthly ServiceOne Time ServiceAdditional rooms you would like us to clean: Dining room Play room Laundry Gym GarageClean inside the refrigerator? Final cost $0.00 Enter your contact details. We will give you a call to finish up. YOUR NAME YOUR EMAIL YOUR PHONE QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS Submit now